Runnning a maize maze? Did you know there is an app for that?

Sep 27

Our family, joined some of the the Rio Grande baby Sitting Coop families for a visit to The McCall Family Pumpkin Patch this weekend.

Every year they set aside 16 acres for a Maize Maze – last years featured the Lobos (you can find it on Google earth) and this year the some of the Peanuts gang.

My sons and I decided we want to do a geographic drawing of the maize maze, so we used GPS-X for the iPhone which is an amazing tool that I have previously reviewed.

If you click on the aerial above, you can see our digital tracks overlaid on top of last years aerial photo from GoogleMaps/GoogleEarth.

If you look carefully, you can see the outline of Charlie Brown’s head in our trail.

Next year, we plan to arrive earlier, and run the entire maize maze and map out the complete routes.

My dream machine (for 2010)

Sep 27


Now this is my idea of an ideal laptop – something that would “store” my iPhone, my iPad and an external USB or Harddrive – each of which would be components that I could remove AND that I could use as an extra screen, storage, etc.

More info can be found by clicking here.

Thanks to Gizmodo for the article.

Internet Explore 9beta

Sep 24

I remember going to the Egghead store and purchasing my first internet browser, Mosaic for $39. Now, a dozen years later, Microsoft is releasing their latest and greatest – Internet Explore v9 for an ideal price of free.

Although the program is currently in beta, it is available to anyone who would like to test it out.

Although bigger, faster, better is always promised, I believe the big upgrade will be full support for HTML v5 an open standard for programming web pages. HTML 5 allows programmers to accomplish things they had only been able to do in the past using tools like Adobe Flash.

Check back here soon for updates on whether the upgrade is worth the installation.

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A quirky website might be an innovative way to do business.

Sep 23

Meet Quirky.

Quirky connects inventors with investors with consumers.

If you have a product that you want to produce – you can design it – price its development and sell it on this website. As a consumer, I can “invest” in the product by placing a pre-order – if enough pre-orders are placed, the product is built and shipped.

Today, I placed my first preorder for the Trek Support backpack – a TSA friendly backpack with a built in battery for all my tech tools and a charger as well. I was order #69 out of the 1,200 buyers they need.

I’ll let you know how it turns out…

Microsoft’s online Office is in beta and has some intersting tools

Sep 09

Thanks to for the headsup on Microsofts online office .DOCS and the article on how to do a demographics analysis of your friends from Facebook.

From reading the article, to signing in, to document creation too a matter of minutes, all to realize a majority of my Facebook friends come from Albuquerque NM!

iPhone 4.0 – well worth it!

Sep 09

Apple’s 4th generation phone has a bevy of new features that make it well worth the upgrade. The new iPhone offers A higher resolution screen, faster processor, more memory, longer battery and a front facing camera along with a slimmer body style. Although the phone received a lot of publicity about its unconventional antennae design

my usage of the new phone demonstrated better phone coverage and call clarity than its predecessor the iPhone 3Gs.

The iPhone 4 also offers a front facing camera that allows video calls or “face time”. Currently this feature is only active over Wi-Fi.

Although the speed is welcome, it’s the high resolution screen that makes the upgrade worthwhile.

The new iPhone also brought a new iPhone operating system with it, IOS4. IOS4 offers the ability to organize your applications, or “Apps” into folders, as well as the ability to multitask your apps.

The iPhone 4 comes in 16 and 32 gigabyte models with prices starting at $199 for new AT&T users or existing users who renew their contracts.

Tiny pocket sized projector

Sep 07

Optoma’s Pico projector series (PK100-PK301) offers the iPhone, iPad and other smart phone users the ability to make an impromptu presentation.

Envision a projector that is about the same size and form factor as your iPhone and you have envision the Optoma Pico projector 100.

Although its low lumen count won’t make it an ideal competitor for classrooms or conference rooms, it’s battery powered projector is perfect for small board meetings or client
conferences. Its 4 oz weight and small form factor and long running rechargeable battery allows you to carry it around with you during the day and use it for an impromptu meeting.

Optoma includes all the cables, charger, and extra battery for hookup to your smart phone.

If you need something that hooks into your computer or with a higher lumen count, Optoma offers the PK 102, 201 and 301 models as well. Pocket Projector