an App for IRR’s and CCIM’s

Jun 20

and really, anyone involved in comercial real estate.

MyAnalyst is a must have tool for every commercial Realtor. CCIM’s and investors will appreciate the mortgage calculator, the t-bar with IRR and NPV calculations as well as the investment and lease/own analysis tools, appraisers will love the ability to measure a property from aerial photos and owners will appreciate the environmental risk summary reports.

You can download the app here, or visit web page here.

I personally love having a quick and dirty analysis tool that is like a swiss army knife on my iPhone/Ipad.

* Note, the author of this blog is good friends with the authors of app and sits as an unpaid advisory board member to their corporation.

Chomp – a new way to find apps

Jun 20

With hundreds of thousands of available apps in the iTunes store, it is becoming harder and harder to find the app that best suits your current needs.

Enter Chomp, an app that uses a ” proprietary algorithm learns the functions and topics of apps, so you can search based on what apps do, not just what they’re called.”

Chomp is free on the web and in the iTunes Store and works both on the iPhone/iPad and Andriod platforms.

Using your iPad to go Paperless

May 31

Alaska Airlines recently announced that they intend to replace over 2.4 million pages and 50 pounds on every flight by allowing their pilots to go paperless (see article here)

The article goes on to state that they intend to use one of my favorite apps – Goodreader for managing their documents.

If you have an interesting in going paperless – this article from the CCIM institute gives you an idea of the technology and process you need get started.

A 3D scan of your face?

May 28

Trimensional is a new app in the iTunes App store that does one simple thing – it takes a “3D” photo, converts that photo to a series of data points and into an animated graphic.

Although I have not yet found a lot of practical applicaition, it is a lot of fun to play with.

I realize, I will most likely only be able to keep this post up a day or two before it drives us all nuts!

Recommendation of iPad apps to install for the iPad class on 5/24

May 25

Goodreader – porting PDF files around
iBooks – showcasing listings/assignments/reports in PDF
Pages – similar to Microsoft Word
Numbers – similar to Microsoft Excel
Keynote – similar to Microsoft PowerPoint
Quick Office – (similar to above)
Wikipanion – research using
Discover – packages Wikipedia into a nice format
HootSuite – managing social networks
BAO (demographics)
QR Scan – reading QR Codes
Loopnet – finding listings
Photosynth – assembling cool photos in collage format –  requires iPad2
Magicplan – measuring space (requires iPad2)
10bii cash (calculator)
WordPress (for updating our websites and blogs)
Dragon Dictation for taking dication
Word lense translated foreign language signs
Airport remote for viewing the departure/arrivals at any airport
FlightTrackPro for tracking flights
Square Reader for taking credit cards
and of course, my prefered book reader is Kindle.
and a review of the projector I showed can be found here

Not necessary to have, but might be interesting:
And the app we wrote for property taxes in Bernalillo County – Taxessor

And an interesting app that shows the potential of what your own app could like.

My must have list of Apps for my iPad2

May 07

Goodreader – porting PDF files around
iBooks – showcasing listings/assignments/reports in PDF
Pages – similar to Microsoft Word
Numbers – similar to Microsoft Excel
Keynote – similar to Microsoft PowerPoint
Quick Office – (similar to above) –
Dropbox – for accessing files on the road
Pogoplug – similar to dropbox, but it physically exists in your office
Wikipanion – research using – HootSuite – managing social networks
BAO (demographics)

QR Scan – reading QR Codes –

Loopnet – finding listings –

Photosynth – assembling cool photos in collage format –

Magicplan – measuring space (requires iPad2)

10bii cash (calculator)

WordPress (for updating our websites and blogs) –

Not necessary to have, but might be interesting:
And the app we wrote for property taxes in Bernalillo County – Taxessor
And an interesting app that shows the potential of what your own app could like –

Rock Melt – a new social networking browser?

Apr 21

A new browser, or actually, to be technically correct, a new browser interface built on top of Google’s Chrome Browser, has entered the market.

RockMelt offers social networking and feed options along the margins of your browser. Now Facebook and your internet surfing can co-exist in the same window frame.

I have to admit the interface is very compelling and easy to use.

Available as a browser on the PC, MAC and an App for iPhone and the Ipad .

Announcing our Social Networking scavenger hunt

Mar 15

Would you like to win a new iPad2 with red leather cover (notice the CCIM logo?)

Correctly answers the first 10 questions on our social networking quiz and give us some feedback on the next 4 questions at:
Good luck!

This marketing effort will be used to gauge the effectiveness of social networking in the marketing of the CCIM Technology and Social Networking course .