What I would like for father’s day

Mar 24

makerbotIt is a rare technology find that has me as excited as the first time I grasped the concept of Star Trek’s replicator.

MakerBot industries has developed a new product that manufactures anything you’d like using 3D printing techniques and plastic.

Right now the “cupcake” printer can “make” products that are about the size of a cupcake, hopefully a future upgrade will be larger than a bread box!

Makerbot via Gizmodo.

Why 3D will not save the movie or TV industry

Mar 17


Many of us had the thrill of watching this year’s biggest hit, Avatar and watching it in 3D was a “value added” option, that added to the movie industry’s bottom line.

So is 3D a long term trend or a short term fad?

Our good friends at Gizmodo have a great article and over view of why 3D is a whole lot of hype and while the TV industry is excited about an oppurtunity to resaturate the market with a new technology, its prospects are over hyped.

How much data do you consume a day?

Dec 11

A recent UCSD study posted on Engadget indicates that most American’s consume 34 gigs of data. The study converts all of the data streams (tv, radio, cell phone, etc.) to a broadband measurement to estitmate your usage.

Now the question is, how do you back all of that up?

Happy 40th birthday Internet

Oct 30


Gizmodo has more – here.

8 bit trip, a tribute to the games that have gone before us

Aug 24

Thanks to Gizmodo.com for the headsup.