Todd Clarke CCIM——715 8th NW—Albuquerque NM 87102—505-440-TODD

Cantera Consultants & Advisors Inc.

Project File

MR Plan


Mid NE Heights Metropolitan

Redevelopment Plan—Housing


Approximate boundaries—Zuni, San Mateo, Moon, Lomas


Albuquerque NM


Several thousand acres

Year performed:



Once dubbed, the “war zone”, this part of Albuquerque was plagued with minority  of home ownership, a lack of available jobs or viable businesses, and a deteriorating neighborhood.

Services Provided:

Market study to the City

Presentation of findings to City Council

Focus Groups

Demographics analysis


A detailed inventory of projects in the works in this area can be found by clicking here


The community picked from several viable products to work on and ended with the development of the International Marketplace—Albuquerque's version of a China Town—centered around the Ta Lin Grocery store.

Outcome programs:

Out of this, a concrete effort was needed to stem the tide of rentership vs. ownership (85/15) as compared to City averages (35/65) and to improve the dismal 75% occupancy rate in the area.

The MOOP’s—Multifamily Owner Occupant Program was created to offer incentives for home owners to purchase fourplexes and live in one unit.